On January 22, the much-anticipated inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya finally came to fruition. The festivities have spanned over the past few days, marking a momentous occasion for the nation. Several Bollywood celebrities were honored with invitations to the grand ceremony, and they adorned themselves in some of the finest traditional attire as they made their visit to the holy city of Ayodhya.
In attendance was filmmaker Om Raut, notable for his recent directorial venture ‘Adipurush,’ featuring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh, and Saif Ali Khan.
Check out his photo here:

As the filmmaker shared a photo with his wife from Ayodhya, netizens took to the comments section to express diverse opinions. One user questioned, “How did he get the invite?” while another commented, “You had a good chance but you wasted it.” A third user remarked, “Bass itna confidence chahiye life mein.” However, amidst the criticism, some defended him, saying, “Too much negativity. He tried showing it in a certain ‘Superheroesque’ way which got misfired. No one has bad intentions while directing ‘Ramayana,'” wrote a user.

The movie faced disappointment from both critics and audiences. Since the teaser was released, it received negative attention for not sticking to the original Hindu epic Ramayana. Changes to the story and characters didn’t go well with people, and the dialogues caused controversies for being seen as disrespectful to mythological figures. On top of that, the not-so-great visual effects didn’t impress viewers. Despite these issues, the movie is Prabhas’s fourth highest-grossing film after the two Baahubali movies and Saaho. However, it reportedly incurred losses of over Rs 80 crore.

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Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, and several other celebrities were also in Ayodhya on the auspicious day. Among others, Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Madhuri Dixit, Ram Charan, and Chiranjeevi also attended the event.

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