Aditya Narayan, son of Udit Narayan, faced backlash for an incident at a concert in Chhattisgarh. A video circulating online shows him getting upset with a fan recording him during his performance of “Aaj Ki Raat” from the movie Don. He reportedly hit the fan and threw their phone, sparking controversy.
Aditya Narayan’s actions at a concert in Chhattisgarh stirred controversy after a video surfaced online.In the footage, he appears to strike a fan with his microphone and then hurls the fan’s phone into the crowd before continuing his performance. The incident left the audience visibly stunned, and the video swiftly gained traction on social media.
In an interview with Zoom Entertainment, the singer chose not to elaborate on the concert incident, indicating that he preferred not to comment and believed his actions were accountable to the almighty.
Aditya Narayan’s Bhilai concert: Singer hits a fan, later throws away his phone!
According to the event organizer’s response to the incident, the individual in question was persistently bothering Aditya during the show, which led to his frustration. The organizer clarified to Zoom that the person wasn’t a college student but likely someone from outside the college premises. They described the individual as highly irritating, continuously pestering Aditya and even hitting his feet with the phone. The organizer estimated that the person took nearly 200 selfies with Aditya before the altercation. Despite this disruption, the rest of the concert proceeded smoothly for almost two hours. The organizer suggested that if the individual’s actions were justified, they would have come forward.