Ananya Panday, who last appeared in the film ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kahan’ alongside Adarsh Gourav and Siddhant Chaturvedi, spoke about her likes and dislikes as a girlfriend. The actress, who recently confirmed her relationship with Aditya Roy Kapur, opened up in a recent interview about her self-reflections in the realm of relationships.
While speaking with Instant Bollywood, Ananya Panday said that two things she doesn’t like about herself as a girlfriend are that she is very possessive and that sometimes she does things that are not her favourite things to do but are her partner’s favourite things to do.But that’s cute. And she thinks these two things can also be taken as good points because she is very protective of the person she is with. She is always there for that person.
A few days ago, Karan Johar confirmed Ananya’s relationship with Aditya Roy Kapur on Koffee with Karan 8. The filmmaker asked the actress if she was dating Aditya. She made several attempts to dodge the question but failed.
The dating rumours surrounding Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur have been circulating for a while. The speculations gained traction after Ananya’s appearance on Koffee With Karan 7 last year, where Karan Johar hinted at a possible connection between her and Aditya. They both further fueled the speculation with a romantic getaway in Europe earlier this year. Additionally, they were also seen attending an Arctic Monkeys concert together in Madrid.
On the work front, Ananya Panday is set to star in the TV series ‘Call Me Bae’ co-starring Varun Dhawan and Vir Das. It revolves around a billionaire fashionista who, following a scandalous controversy, is disowned by her ultra-rich family and navigates life independently. The actress is also part of projects like ‘Control’, ‘Battle Thy Seeds’, ‘Darbadar’, ‘Shankara’, ‘The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair’, and ‘Run for Young’.
While speaking with Instant Bollywood, Ananya Panday said that two things she doesn’t like about herself as a girlfriend are that she is very possessive and that sometimes she does things that are not her favourite things to do but are her partner’s favourite things to do.But that’s cute. And she thinks these two things can also be taken as good points because she is very protective of the person she is with. She is always there for that person.
A few days ago, Karan Johar confirmed Ananya’s relationship with Aditya Roy Kapur on Koffee with Karan 8. The filmmaker asked the actress if she was dating Aditya. She made several attempts to dodge the question but failed.
The dating rumours surrounding Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur have been circulating for a while. The speculations gained traction after Ananya’s appearance on Koffee With Karan 7 last year, where Karan Johar hinted at a possible connection between her and Aditya. They both further fueled the speculation with a romantic getaway in Europe earlier this year. Additionally, they were also seen attending an Arctic Monkeys concert together in Madrid.
On the work front, Ananya Panday is set to star in the TV series ‘Call Me Bae’ co-starring Varun Dhawan and Vir Das. It revolves around a billionaire fashionista who, following a scandalous controversy, is disowned by her ultra-rich family and navigates life independently. The actress is also part of projects like ‘Control’, ‘Battle Thy Seeds’, ‘Darbadar’, ‘Shankara’, ‘The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair’, and ‘Run for Young’.