On a momentous day for India, the unveiling of Lord Ram’s idol in Ayodhya marked a significant religious event. The grand ceremony saw the presence of numerous politicians, sports figures, Bollywood celebrities, and other notable personalities. However, the absence of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli at the ‘Pran Pratishtha‘ ceremony caught the attention of many.Despite invitations from the current government, there were no pictures or videos featuring the power couple at the historic celebration.
The ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony photo is making rounds on the internet, sparking speculation that it might be Anushka Sharma. In the image, a female, with her mouth covered by sunglasses and a mask, bears a striking resemblance to the actress from “Band Baaja Baaraat.” Though it’s uncertain if it’s indeed Anushka, netizens are drawing parallels based on the resemblance.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, known as Virushka, were reportedly present at the event, but they chose to maintain a low profile, avoiding media attention during the religious ceremony. Privacy is often a priority for celebrities during such occasions.
Reports suggest that Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma opted not to attend the grand ceremony in Ayodhya due to personal reasons. Today, the BCCI issued a statement announcing Virat Kohli’s withdrawal from the first two test matches against England, citing personal reasons. The rumored pregnancy of Anushka Sharma is assumed to be a possible reason behind the cricketer’s decision to take a break from these matches.

Why did Anushka-Virat, Jr NTR and other celebs miss the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony?

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