In an interview with Pinkvilla, the actress recently opened up about her bond with the Bollywood superstar. Talking about the time when her friendship with Salman Khan solidified on the sets of ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, the actress narrated an interesting story involving her husband Himalaya Dassani.
She explained how Himalaya ji’s friend, who was also a friend of Salman, was a common connection, and Salman got wind of Himalaya ji’s existence before the information became public. During the one-month shoot for ‘Dil Deewana Bin Sajnaa Ke’ in Ooty, Salman surprised her one day by singing the song in her ear. This happened on the very day when the press was present on the set, making the entire scenario quite unusual as Salman had never displayed such behavior before.
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The actress added that Salman would playfully nudge her and break into song, leaving her puzzled about his unusual behavior. Eventually, Bhagyashree grew uneasy and pulled him aside, saying, “Salman, just behave yourself. What’s wrong with you?”
In reply, Salman acknowledged, “I know.” Following that, Bhagyashree recounted how Salman mentioned, “‘I know where the Dil Deewana is happening.'” This statement, she believed, changed their dynamic, making her more comfortable around him. She mentioned that Salman was a constant presence during times of tension or problems at home, and even when they decided to get married – always the first person to be there and the last one to leave.
In the same interview, Bhagyashree shared that she experienced a first during ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ – wearing jeans. However, during the screening, she noticed her father deliberately looking away from the screen, likely due to her unconventional outfit.