Building A Better Tomorrow

Paradigm Shift


In the field which I work in, I have learned many things, and of those things, I would most certainly say that the most valuable tool I have in my arsenal, which has the greatest capability of helping to not just bridge the gaps, that exist when communication barriers are present, it allows for the true establishment of authentic connection, this tool is none other than Compassion. I take time each and every morning, to reflect on the experiences I have had, and when I began doing this initially, I had much more than yesterday to reflect on, I had years of trauma which had been left in the darkness, having had no light truly shed upon them for a substantial duration of time. When something happens to us, of either a smaller less significant impact, or something of a greater, more significant impact, we must always ensure that we take the time to analyze, and process these events, regardless of how big or little they may be.

Allowing any type of energy, especially that of a negative nature, to fester in the darkness, can create psychiatric disturbances to form, later on down the road, which is like allowing mold to grow in the darkness, if the problem is not taken care of at it’s inception, it will continue growing bigger, and more complex, as time goes on, which can create substantial psychological barriers for us to have to break down, which is much more difficult than it is to take these issues as they arise, and process them, with introspective analysis, and allow them to be realized, and released from our system, in the healthiest possible manner. I have learned to live my life in a way, that is becoming more rooted in the present, and no longer focuses on the traumas of the past, or potential worries of the future, and the way in which I have learned to do this, was through a form of global spiritual coherence.

When one person encounters a challenge in their life, that they have always, up until that point, tackled in the same way, which has never in the past, bore much truly useful fruit, the time comes when you realize there must be a better way for these challenges to be faced, in a way that is most conducive with not only your personal growth, but also in a way that feeds, and enhances the indwelling spirit of resilience which god has blessed us all with the gift of having. I began to see things much more clearly, when I decided to take full responsibility for my words, my actions, my thoughts, and my intentions. I experienced a paradigm shift, which was a drastic change in how I used to perceive problems, because now I began to see these supposed problems, from the standpoint of where their solutions were rooted, which makes tackling any challenge much easier, when the solution to that challenge is perceived at the inception of undertaking the challenge.

The truth about this reality, is that it is subject in a major way, to the impact which our intentional observation, and mental focus has on how energy tends to arrange itself. If we are in a state of constant suffering, then that is all we will perceive in this world, is the amount of suffering that is taking place around us, but when we choose to see things from an elevated perspective, which for me, was the end result of what my own suffering could bring, it transformed from suffering, into an opportunity for growth and conscious expansion.

It is very true, that where our attention is directed, there too shall our energy go, and with this principle being true, wouldn’t it make much more sense, to direct your mental energy towards the outcome you wish to take place, opposed to focusing on the problem. Focusing on the problem will only give it more power over you, and as more focus is directed at the problem, more energy is expended in causing the problem to become bigger, however when we focus on what the potential solution to that problem could be, the energy is redirected and begins working in the direction of solving whatever the problem may be, which you are currently facing.

The paradigm shift which I experienced, was when I began to see the trials in my life, not as punishments, but as opportunities for advancement, in a mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, or psychological way. The perspective I now approach life with, has granted me such great strength and a profound sense of purpose, which allows me to wake, each day, with a positive attitude, intentional actions, and healthy habits, which perpetuate this perspective of growth, and has allowed me to excel in my field, as well as allowed me to make a profoundly positive impact on those around me. I live my life, doing my very best, to be the best example for others, that I can be, at any given time, and doing this has brought me so much peace, happiness, and true joy, that I never in the past thought I could experience.

We are the weavers of our experiences, and when we truly take the time to take responsibility for everything we do, we become empowered, and begin moving in a direction that is in alignment with our highest and most profoundly positive potential in relation to who it is we can become.

Never lose faith, not in yourself, or in your capacity to effect positive change in this world. Don’t wait for success to have the happiness you seek, be the success you want to achieve, by acting in accordance with the person that you truly wish to become.

Brightest Blessings.

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