Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta’s daughter Ira Khan is all set to get hitched to her long-term boyfriend, Nupur Shikhare. After a traditional Haldi and Mehendi ceremony, the couple will have a registered marriage today. Nupur and Ira will then head to Udaipur for a grand wedding ceremony and will host multiple receptions for family and friends. Here’s decoding the Ira Khan and Nupur’s professional life
What does Ira Khan do?
Ira Khan decided not to follow her superstar father’s footsteps into films and instead found her calling behind the camera.Ira revealed that her first proper professional endeavor was calling the shots for a play. She directed Euripiedes’ Medea, starring Hazel Keech and Ira’s brother Junaid. This play was showcased at Prithvi Theatre in Mumbai in 2019.
She is also a mental health advocate and has openly addressed her own battle with depression and anxiety through various conversations and social media posts. In May 2021, Ira launched a mental health support organisation, Agastsu foundation. She serves as the founder and CEO of the same. Adopting a no-gifts policy, Ira and Nupur have reportedly encouraged their guests to donate their blessings towards the NGO.
Who is Nupur Shikhare?
Born in 1985, Nupur is a professional fitness coach. He has reportedly trained with celebrities like Sushmita Sen and Aamir Khan. He often shares videos of his inspirational workouts on social media. He has also been participating in marathons and Ironman Triathlons. After successfully completing the Ironman Italy in 2022, Nupur had proposed to Ira.
How did Nupur and Ira Khan meet?
Fitness brought Ira and Nupur together! According to reports, Nupur was training Aamir Khan during the lockdown and he started training Ira as well. After dating for several months, Nupur went down on his knee and proposed to Ira. The couple got engaged in November 2022 in the presence of close family members and friends.

Ira Khan poses for the paps ahead of her nuptials

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