Fashion designer Saisha Shinde, who was formerly known as Swapnil Shinde, underwent a surgery at the age of 40 to become a transwoman. She recently recalled meeting Aishwarya Rai and Aaradhya Bachchan after her transition and shared their reaction.
On Tisca Chopra‘s YouTube channel, Saisha Shinde talked about a time when she hadn’t publicly announced her gender transition.She mentioned that while working on a fitting session with Aishwarya Rai, she made it a point to let Aishwarya’s manager know that she was Saisha now, so as not to surprise anyone.

Saisha shared a great experience working with Aishwarya Rai and mentioned how the actress made a point to use the right pronouns and address her by the correct name. Additionally, when Aaradhya joined her mother during the session, Aishwarya introduced Saisha in the most fitting and considerate manner.

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Saisha Shinde also talked about fully accepting her true self and publicly announcing her transformation. The designer shared that even though she was initially scared to do so, she believed that the amazing women she had worked with would always support and accept her.

Meanwhile, Aishwarya and Aaradhya were recently spotted cheering for Abhishek Bachchan‘s Kabaddi team. The family showed constant support during the game, from moments of tension to the excitement of scoring points. They celebrated every victory and cheered on the team enthusiastically throughout the entire match.

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