The upcoming Telugu film ‘Hanu Man‘ is a mythological super hero film. The action drama is directed by Prashanth Varma, and the film stars Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Vinay Rai in lead roles. The film is the first of Prashanth Varma‘s cinematic universe, and following this first installment is ‘Adhira‘.
‘Hanu Man’ is set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, and the movie is inspired by the Hindu god Hanuman. Director Prashanth Varma said that he chose to shoot the film as he wanted to dedicate it to many who think of a superpower, and the film’s plot revolves around Teja Sajja playing the role of Hanumanthu, who gets the powers of Hanuman and fights for the village.
The film has over 150 shows on the first day of its release in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and the movie is releasing worldwide in Hindi, English, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. The trailer for the film was launched a couple of weeks ago, and the movie makers had a pre-release event on January 7, and Mega star Chiranjeevi graced the event as a chief guest. The actor wished the team success, and following him, actress Samantha also took to social media to wish Teja Sajja success ahead of the movie release.
The movie is releasing in theatres tomorrow, but the premiere shows have already captured the hearts of many. The reviews of the movie reportedly state the film’s visuals are impeccable and praise director Prashanth Varma for opting for good VFX and graphics.
‘Hanu Man’ is set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, and the movie is inspired by the Hindu god Hanuman. Director Prashanth Varma said that he chose to shoot the film as he wanted to dedicate it to many who think of a superpower, and the film’s plot revolves around Teja Sajja playing the role of Hanumanthu, who gets the powers of Hanuman and fights for the village.
The film has over 150 shows on the first day of its release in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and the movie is releasing worldwide in Hindi, English, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. The trailer for the film was launched a couple of weeks ago, and the movie makers had a pre-release event on January 7, and Mega star Chiranjeevi graced the event as a chief guest. The actor wished the team success, and following him, actress Samantha also took to social media to wish Teja Sajja success ahead of the movie release.
The movie is releasing in theatres tomorrow, but the premiere shows have already captured the hearts of many. The reviews of the movie reportedly state the film’s visuals are impeccable and praise director Prashanth Varma for opting for good VFX and graphics.
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