Merry Christmas, the highly anticipated Bollywood thriller starring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, has released a romantic track titled “Raat Akeli Thi.” Originally slated for a December release in the previous year, the film, directed by Sriram Raghavan, has now been scheduled for January 12, 2024. The recently unveiled song showcases the on-screen chemistry between Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, with Arijit Singh providing the soulful vocals. The track, composed by Pritam and penned by Varun Grover, adds a touch of mystery to the film. You can have a look at the song here…

Raat Akeli Thi | Merry Christmas | Katrina Kaif | Vijay Sethupathi | Pritam | Arijit Singh

In “Raat Akeli Thi,” Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi are seen sharing tender moments against the backdrop of the night, taking a stroll and exploring various locations. The song not only captures the romantic essence of the film but also highlights Arijit Singh’s emotive rendition. Merry Christmas, a thriller in both Hindi and Tamil languages, boasts a strong cast, including Ashwini Kalsekar and Radhika Apte.

In a recent interview with Film Companion, Katrina Kaif shared insights into her character Maria, revealing that director Sriram Raghavan encouraged her to create her own backstory. Kaif explained that this process aided her in comprehending the nuances of her character and the film’s world. She also praised co-star Vijay Sethupathi, referring to him as a ‘class topper’ and acknowledging his reputation as a stellar actor.

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