Harbhajan is doing the Hindi commentary for the match and he passed comments on Anushka and Athiya when the camera was on them. Both these actresses were present at the stadium to cheer for their respective husbands and were having a conversation. That’s when Harbhajan said, “Main wahi soch raha hoon ke baat films ki ho rahi hai ya cricket ki? Kyunki, cricket ki toh utni samajh hogi nahi (I’m wondering if they’re talking about movies or cricket because they would not be understanding cricket much).”
This has left netizens in shock and they are now slamming the cricketer for it. One X user asked the cricketer to apologize and wrote, “@harbhajan_singh What do you mean that the ladies understand cricket or not?? Please apologise immediately. @AnushkaSharma @theathiyashetty @klrahul @imVkohli #INDvsAUSfinal #INDvAUS #ICCWorldCupFinal.”
Another user said, “Typical Harbhajan Singh L. Disgrace as a person.”
Typical Harbhajan Singh L. Disgrace as a person. “Filmo ki baat ho rahi hogi ya cricket ki- Pata nahi cricket ki kitni samaj hogi.
Pathetic. pic.twitter.com/oUhxG13aFS
— Areyyyyy Yaarrrrrr (@A_niche11) November 19, 2023
A user expressed, “the commentator just said “yeh baatein bhi pata nahi kya hori hogi because cricket ki toh pata nahi kitni samajh hogi” when anushka and athiya were shown on screen chatting and it’s the most disgusting thing I have ever heard.”
the commentator just said “yeh baatein bhi pata nahi kya hori hogi because cricket ki toh pata nahi kitni samajh hogi” when anushka and athiya were shown on screen chatting and it’s the most disgusting thing I have ever heard
— _shina_26 (@shina_utavani) November 19, 2023
Interestingly, Harbhajan is also married to an actress, Geeta Basra. We wonder, what she has to say on this comment!