Priyanka Chopra was spotted in Los Angeles spending a good time with her daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. In new photos, the actor is seen carrying her daughter in her arms. The pictures went viral on the internet and received love from her fans.
In the pictures, Priyanka can be seen dressed in a white tank top paired with a shirt and dark cargo pants. She complemented her look with a cap and sunglasses.Her baby Malti looked cute in a colorful dungaree paired with a matching hat.
Earlier, Priyanka and her husband’s Diwali celebration photos in Los Angeles went viral on the internet. She was seen in a wine-colored velvet deep-cut blouse while Nick flaunted ethnic attire for the celebration. Preity Zinta and her husband, Gene Goodenough, also attended the Diwali bash.
On Mother’s Day last year, the couple wrote on Instagram, “After 100+ days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home. Every family’s journey is unique and requires a certain level of faith, and while ours was a challenging few months, what becomes abundantly clear, in retrospect, is how precious and perfect every moment is.”
On the work front, Priyanka was last seen in the movie ‘Love Again’. Her upcoming project includes ‘Heads of State’, featuring John Cena and Idris Elba.
In the pictures, Priyanka can be seen dressed in a white tank top paired with a shirt and dark cargo pants. She complemented her look with a cap and sunglasses.Her baby Malti looked cute in a colorful dungaree paired with a matching hat.
Earlier, Priyanka and her husband’s Diwali celebration photos in Los Angeles went viral on the internet. She was seen in a wine-colored velvet deep-cut blouse while Nick flaunted ethnic attire for the celebration. Preity Zinta and her husband, Gene Goodenough, also attended the Diwali bash.
On Mother’s Day last year, the couple wrote on Instagram, “After 100+ days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home. Every family’s journey is unique and requires a certain level of faith, and while ours was a challenging few months, what becomes abundantly clear, in retrospect, is how precious and perfect every moment is.”
On the work front, Priyanka was last seen in the movie ‘Love Again’. Her upcoming project includes ‘Heads of State’, featuring John Cena and Idris Elba.