Filmmaker Rohit Shetty revealed that his films glorify police brutality and encounter killings. He stated that he knows what the police force goes through and has observed officers at close quarters. Shetty is best known for his universe of cop movies, which includes two ‘Singham’ films, ‘Simmba‘, ‘Sooryavanshi‘, and the upcoming ‘Indian Police Force’ series and a third installment in the Singham series.
In an interview with Film Companion, Rohit said that he is clear in his head about what he is saying. All of us here are cultured people, but that life is a different life. Imagine people going to the office and meeting a druggie, a rapist, or someone who has chopped the head of an innocent person. When people deal with those kinds of people, they have a different frame of mind altogether.
He added that he is against killing innocent people; he is against them taking the law into their hands. But if someone is shooting at people, people won’t welcome them with open arms, would you? It is important to instill fear in society. He firmly believes in this, and it’s okay if he gets trolled for saying this. He knows of an incident where they went to arrest someone, and as soon as they opened the door, they got shot at. They didn’t even have bulletproof vests; they had to protect themselves with chairs. What should they do? They will retaliate.

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