Sanjay Leela Bhansali is set to review his ambitious musical drama, ‘Baiju Bawra’ featuring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt. The decision to revisit the project stems from Bhansali’s desire to invest additional time in refining the script. Alongside this development, the filmmaker has been actively engaged in crafting multiple scripts. Among them is the romantic comedy ‘Inshallah’, initially imagined with Shah Rukh Khan, though the collaboration did not materialise.
Now, it has been reported that Sanjay Leela Bhansali is in talks with Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Vicky Kaushal for his next pure love story set in modern times.As per a report in Pinkvilla, the film is an original love story and not ‘Inshallah’. Sanjay Leela Bhansali has been very keen to take a step back from period dramas with an intense tone. He has been looking to make a love story, and this subject has been at the back of his mind for a while now. SLB feels this is the best time to make a love story and is very excited to tap into this genre. Both Ranbir and Alia heard the narration and loved what they heard. While Alia has already signed the dotted lines, the talks with Ranbir are in the advanced stages.
The report further mentions that Vicky is excited to come on board SLB’s film and is figuring out his dates for the later part of the year. Once the dates are sorted, he will sign the dotted lines. Vicky has loved the subject.
Ranbir Kapoor will wrap up shooting for the Nitesh Tiwari-directed Ramayana before moving on to Bhansali’s film. On the other hand, Alia will finish her work on the Spy Universe film with YRF, whereas Vicky Kaushal is expected to complete ‘Chavva’ and a couple of other films.

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