Shah Rukh Khan has had a fabulous 2023. He made a stunning comeback into films with his all-time blockbuster Pathaan after a hiatus of 4 years, followed by the enormous success of the Atlee directorial Jawan and closing the year on a good note with the Rajkumar Hirani directorial Dunki. At a recent award function, SRK opened up about how his family went through a difficult time and what lesson he has learnt from it.
He told News18 that the last 4-5 years have been a bit of a ride for him and his family. He said that most of his films flopped and trade analysts had started writing his death knells. He didn’t hesitate to compare trade analysts to idiots.
Shah Rukh then went on to address the problems he faced on a personal level. In October 2021, his eldest son Aryan Khan had found himself embroiled in a high-profile drug case, after the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) conducted a raid on a luxury cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai.

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During this time, SRK and his family had maintained a relatively private life and they refrained from on the case. Later, Aryan walked out from the jail after almost a month and he was cleared of all charges.
“On a personal level, a bit of bothersome and unpleasant things also happened to say the least, which made me learn a lesson. That be quiet, be very quiet and work hard with dignity. When you think everything is good, suddenly out of nowhere, life will come and hit you. But this is the time when you need to be the hopeful, honest storyteller,” Shah Rukh explained.

The superstar ended his speech by quoting a popular line from his film Om Shanti Om, ‘Picturo ki tarah real life me bhi happy ending hota hai, aur agar aisa na ho… Toh picture abhi baaki hai mere dost…’
He also acknowledged that his two films Pathaan and Jawan did unprecedented business at the box office and said that many of the viewers who made these films a success were there to only support Shah Rukh, even though they were not the biggest fans of his acting.
His films Pathaan, Jawan and Dunki have done a collective business of Rs 2500 crore worldwide in 2023.

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