As Aamir Khan hosted a wedding reception for daughter Ira Khan‘s wedding with Nupur Shikhare, it seemed like the entire industry gathered together under one roof. It was also a rare moment where all the three Khans came together. Fans were in for a treat as inside photos of Shah Rukh Khan from the wedding reception went viral on the internet. In these photos, SRK can be seen posing with Aamir and Nupur’s mother Pritam Shikhare. Shah Rukh was accompanied by Gauri.
In another photo, one sees SRK and Aamir indulging in a conversation and that was quite a rare sight for fans. Netizens loved these photos and want them to share screen space together. Netizens also demanded a photo of Salman with Aamir and SRK.

SRK Aamir

Aamir SRK (1)

SRK Gauri

One user commented on this post and said, “All the three ” KHANS” united in this reception ❤️” Another one said, “They should do a film together which has never happened before it’ll be their first time ever on screen ❤️❤️????????”
While Salman and Aamir have been a part of the iconic ‘Andaz Apna Apna’, fans were in for a treat when SRK and Salman collaborated in ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Tiger 3’ again after 30 years. Now it would be wonderful to see Aamir and Shah Rukh collaborate for a movie, even if it’s a cameo.
Meanwhile, other celebs who attended the reception included Anil Kapoor, Naga Chaitanya, Rekha, Asha Parekh, Hema Malini, Dharmendra, Esha Deol, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Taapsee Pannu, Kangana Ranaut, Katrina Kaif, Ranbir Kapoor among others.

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