Veteran Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik recently announced his marriage to Pakistani actress Sana Javed. Malik took to X (formerly Twitter) to share pictures from their wedding ceremony with the caption, “And we created you in pairs.” Sana Javed is a Pakistani actress, who has appeared in many Urdu show. It is not yet clear whether Shoaib has formalised his divorce with Indian former tennis player Sania Mirza.
Speculations about Malik’s separation with Javed had been circulating since years, gaining traction when the cricketer wished the actress on her birthday last year. The 41-year-old had previously expressed support for Javed in the face of criticism, emphasizing her kindness and courtesy.
The wedding revelation comes amid heightened divorce speculations with Sania Mirza, with whom Malik tied the knot in 2010 in a nikah. The couple later had a Walima ceremony in Sialkot, Pakistan, and shares a son named Izhaan, born in 2018.
Sania Mirza added fuel to the speculations earlier in the week when she posted a cryptic message on Instagram, addressing the challenges of marriage and divorce. The post ignited discussions about the couple’s relationship status.

Shoaib Malik marries Pakistani actress Sana Javed amid separation rumors with Sania Mirza

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