Drowned love is on my shoulders.

There’s a storm behind me,

And I’m running ahead.

There’s no human habitation in sight,

And it has begun to rain as well!

I’m slipping down, save me.

I made a deal with the shores

That the ocean would remain calm until we crossed it

To the distant shore – safe to cherish and nourish love.

But I was deceived.

Pirate tides surrounded my boat – the boat of life.

They searched me,

And when nothing came out of me,

They drowned my love.

I know Kintsugi.

I’ll bring my love back to life.

I just need help to stop the storm chasing me,

Help to tell the sky not to rain anymore.

Is there a flying cot?!

Where is the moon?

Any cluster of trees?


If I fall and do not get up,

And the storm takes me and my love away,

This world will suffer a great loss.

For this is the last love on my fragile shoulders.

Then no one’s lifeboat

Will be able to cross the waters of the world

Filled with absolute chaos.

O sky! At least you are there!

You know everything.

Fall and become a wall!

Save love.

Be a savior.

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