According to a report in Sacnilk, on Tuesday evening, Tiger 3 had crossed Rs 10 crore in advance bookings for all days. The Manees Sharma directorial is poised to offer 24×7 showings in theaters, with cinemas in Ahmedabad and the Middle East taking the lead by running the movie non-stop.This decision is in response to the overwhelming demand for theYRF Spy Universe film.
A theatre in Ahmedabad is set to commence screening the Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif-starrer from 2 am on the significant New Year Day following Laxmi Puja. In contrast, theaters in the Middle East, who will begin the film at 12.05 am, and a mall in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, will start ‘Tiger 3’ at 2 am, as there is no Diwali holiday effect in these regions.
Katrina Kaif talks about her viral towel-fight scene in ‘Tiger 3’; says ‘Don’t think there has been a fight sequence like this featuring two women on screen in India’
A report in Hindustan Times revealed that YRF will see a surge of this demand from across the nation for Tiger 3 in the next few days. According to the report, this is great for business and the industry because people want to see good cinema and Tiger 3 is a tentpole release of the year.
Apart from Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, the much-awaited third instalment also stars Emraan Hashmi in the role of the antagonist in the film. Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Pathaan’ character is also expected to make a special cameo in the movie. It will hit the theatres on November 12, 2023.