As all seven members of the global sensation BTS, fulfilling their mandatory military service, the question of their financial status during this period has become a topic of keen interest. While their hiatus from the spotlight is inevitable, the members continue to receive a regular salary from the South Korean government, shedding light on the financial dynamics of the iconic group during their enlistment.

In the military, where hierarchical structures prevail, each BTS member, with the exception of Suga, resides in shared barracks, partaking in communal living that extends to both daily life and financial compensation. Suga, undertaking alternative service at a community centre in Seoul, is not exempt from this egalitarian practice and receives the same salary as his fellow conscripts.

Jin, the first to embark on military service, occupies the rank of Sergeant, enjoying a reported monthly salary of ₩1.00 million KRW (approximately $775 USD), making him the highest earner among the seven during this period. Following suit, J-Hope, currently serving as a Corporal, receives a monthly stipend of ₩800,000 KRW (about $620 USD).
Suga, positioned as a Private, earns a monthly salary of ₩680,000 KRW (approximately $527 USD) according to available figures. Meanwhile, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, who entered military service between December 11 and 12, are undergoing a five-week basic training phase, receiving the standard monthly pay of ₩600,000 KRW (about $465 USD) for trainees. Notably, V is anticipated to experience a more significant salary increase due to his assignment to the elite Special Duty Team following training.
Looking ahead to 2024, all BTS members are poised to benefit from a 25% surge in their military wages, aligning with a universal pay hike for conscripts in accordance with a planned budget increase.

Despite their hiatus from active entertainment engagements, the BTS members continue to accumulate passive income as major shareholders of HYBE, the entertainment company behind BTS, with an accumulated value of ₩100 billion KRW (approximately $77.5 million USD) as of December 21’s stock closing price. Furthermore, their ongoing income streams from song royalties, commercial endorsements, and album sales continue to augment their net worth, underscoring the enduring financial prosperity of the globally renowned group during their military service.

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