In a grand spectacle, Bollywood’s biggest stars headed to Ayodhya for the grand Ram Mandir Pran Prathishtha ceremony on Monday. After a day-long celebration, prayers and devotion, the B-town group including the likes of Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Vicky Kaushal and wife Katrina Kaif, Ranbir Kapoor and wife Alia Bhatt, director Rohit Shetty, Madhuri Dixit among others, were seen arriving back home.
The Bollywood contingent boarded their private jet back home and landed in Mumbai city in the early hours of Tuesday. The stars obliged paparazzi with photos as they beamed with excitement from the events of the day. Clutching special bags filled with prasad and sacred images from the Ram Mandir, the stars smiled and waved to the cameras as they awaited the arrival of their cars.
Vicky and Katrina, who had all of social media buzzing, put on smiles and posed for the shutterbugs.


Ranbir and Alia, on the other hand, headed straight to their waiting car. RK was seen trying to cover up and keep warm by placing his shawl over his head.






Notably, actor Jackie Shroff, known for his eccentricities, didn’t return empty-handed. Holding aloft what seemed to be a silver and gold idol, he proudly displayed his cherished possession while posing barefoot for photos. He was joined by actor Vivek Oberoi.




Singers such as Sonu Nigam, Anuradha Paudwal, Kavita Paudwal, and Shankar Mahadevan were also a part of the ceremony. The 30 artists were among the many performers who sang devotional melodies in the lead-up to the significant ceremony, creating an atmosphere of divine celebration.

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